Powerpoints are a universal tool that is used widely both proffessionally and in the classroom, these allow for presentaion assistance with text, images and video. when used properly that make for an engaging talk, for an example go to my about me page
the most common tool is Microsoft powerpoint, but libreoffice, open office and letex are all good tools and provide just as good functionality
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
Infographics are great tools that allow students to orginize information graphically and creatively
The tool I used to build this info graphic is easelly but this could just a well be done in photoshop or microsoft publisher
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
Word clouds are a great way to look at a body of text holistically, mine below looks at a body of work i have produces to see what are the important ideas that come up
there are a plethora of tools avalible for this, and it is also a relivily straight forward task to build in JS or other languages, some of the premade ones are tagxedo.com and abcya wordclouds
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
FakeBooks are an oppertunity for students to look at peoples lives in a unique light that was not avalible untill the modern day, my fakebook on Alan Turing can be found here
The best tool i have found would be classtools, see my fakebook, if nessiary this could be creaded via photoshop aswell
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
Google Treks are an amazign tool that can be used to help a student gain a wider persepctive, one example is bellow of how the internet has impacted the world
Google is really the only tool avalible thought this could be mocked up in photoshop, or using a physical map and paper
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
Project Based Learning is an amazing tool that can have students creating very strong connections between content with high ownership of the knowledge gained, these are not small projects to start nor are they easly designed, but the initial overhead is well worth the effor, see the outline for one here
The Tools for this very wildely based on the content area for CS it is important to give them resources that they can learn the coding from, example PBL assignments can befound with a quick google search
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
Digital Stories can be a great way for students to learn and reflect on thier life, the class and more
Two of the most likly tools you would be to use would be iMove or Windows Movie maker, both of these provide more than enough functionality for what your students should need
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below
An Innovative and Integrated lesson Plan is one in which technology is effectivly itegrated along the ISTE Standards, and example of one such lesson plan can be found here
to best make these I would review the website and match thier standards (linked above) with contentstandards you are trying to reach, your ablilites as a teacher should perepare you to effecivly use this lesson plan
Three ways this can be used in the classroom are below